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duminică, 2 iunie 2013



marți, 28 mai 2013

[TuT] Creating a simple web backdoor [BT5 R3]

Hey guys, i will show you how to create a simple web backdoor using backtrack 5 r3.

First step:

Enter Backtrack~>Maintaining access~>Web backdoors~>Weevely

Second step:
Now, we will create our web backdoor. the command is: ./ generate teamcrackers /root/Desktop/shell.php

teamcrackers will be the password
 /desktop/shell.php will be the destination path

Step three:
Press enter and wait for the web backdoor to be created. After it finish the web backdoor creation it should look like this.

Step four:

You created the backdoor. Lets say that you already uploaded the shell. Now to connect to the backdoor you need to type the following command:  ./ <url> password. In our case will be: teamcrackers. After you write this hit enter and a telnet session should start. To connect to the backdoor may take a while so you must be patient.

Let's say that the session started. Now you have control over the server. You can make/delete/edit derectories, download what you want etc.

Project Neptune Keylogger [TUT]

Project neptune is a very useful keylogger and has a lot of ways that you can customize your server. IMO it is one of the most useful (Free) Keyloggers out there.

Step 1.
Download Skyneos Keylogger
Project Neptune Website
This step is pretty self explanitory, just do what it shows in the picture.

Step 2.
Create a Gmail Account
Go here to create one:
And then click on the "Create An Account" button.

Or if you already have an account then you can skip this step.

Step 3.
Open the program
Double click on the program where you downloaded it.

Step 4.
Once you are in check the button that says "Use Email for Storing Logs"
Then change the ammount of time the keylogger sends logs.
I would suggest making it higher than 20 minutes if you have a lot of slaves.
Keep the boxes checked that say "Delete Last Key On Backspace", "Capslock and Shift Capitilzation", "Log All Text on the Clipboard", or "Log All System Information/Specs"
Also don't do anything with the spaces that say "Header on Left Log Window Title" and "Header on Right Log Window Title"
In the Email settings tab keep the " and the port number.
Where it says "Email to Send Keystorke Logs" put your email in that box
and in the box under that put the password to your email.
If you want you can change what email it send the logs too, but otherwise use the same email that you put above.
Then, Click Test Email Account Information, and if you get an email saying that it works, then you can move onto the next step.

Step 5.
System Wide
Keep all the settings the same, unless you want to disable task manager or block websites. But to keep the suspicion level low I would keep the settings the same.

Step 6.
Go to the installation tab and check the first box in "Startup Settings"
Then Choose a place to install in the Installation Directory.
In the Installation Directory I would put it in the "System Files Folder" or the "Operating Windows Files Folder"
Then Where it says Origional File Check "Do Nothing WIth Origional File After Install" to keep suspicion level low.
If you want File downloading enabled then type in the link of your exe or other file, but if not then do nothing with this box.

Step 7.
Extra Options
When you are in this tab I would keep everything the same, unless you want a fake error, but you won't need a fake error if you are binding this with another program.

Step 8.
Server Creation
In the server settings I would recommend putting something here if you want to make it less suspicious. Put something that would make it look like the origional program. Like "Halo Cracked" or "Black Ops Aimbot", something like that.
Don't check "Copy File's Creation Date" or "Use File Icon" unless you have the premium version.
In the file pumping section I would increase it by 1000+ kb to make it less suspicious.
In the server generation tab, where it says "Mutual Exclusion (Mutex) String" after that hit the refresh button.
There it says automated cure password you can use the refresh button or you can type in a password of your choice.
Then, keep the process name as "iexplorer.exe"
Then hit the Generate New Server button and it will create a server for you.

Step 9.
File Binding
Click on the file binder tab.
Then right click in the open space and click add file and add your keylogger to the list.
Do the same thing for the program you want to bind this with.


[Facebook Backdoor] Post a status & upload pics to almost any Facebook account!

  • A Hotmail or Gmail email.
Step 1) Go to / you will see a unique email under "post it by email" That is your unique email. What we are trying to do is getting your victims unique email by social engineering them, I will post an example below in step number 2.

Spoiler (Click to View)

Step 2) Get in contact with your victim. Send him a message saying something like "Hey Can you tell me the email on this page : need it so I can upload something via my email." You can create your own method for this. Another method would be using this email spoofer "" and sending them a message filling out the name. For example, From name: Facebook Staff, From email:, etc asking them for the email at
Step 3) Once you have SE'd your victims unique email, go to your hotmail/gmail account and send an email to the unique email he gave you. In the subject box is the status you want to come up on his wall, eg; "text here" the main box is for the picture attachment you want to attach, I don't think you can upload more than 1 image per status, you'll have to try it out :). Once you send it, it will appear on his wall, simple as that. 



Urmatorul tutorial nu imi apartine ,ca simplu fapt nu comentati aiurea !

So say somehow somewhere we ended up choosing a target to start wreaking havoc upon. All we need is an IP Address. Theres plenty of papers out there that go into how to obtain an IP Address from the preferred mark of your choice. So I'm not going to go into that subject. Alright so say we got the targets IP Address finally. What do we do with this IP Address. Well first ping the IP Address to make sure that its alive. In otherwords online. Now at the bottom of this document ill include some links where you can obtain some key tools that may help on your journey through the electronic jungle. So we need to find places to get inside of the computer so we can start trying to find a way to "hack" the box. Port Scanners are used to identify the open ports on a machine thats running on a network, whether its a router, or a desktop computer, they will all have ports. Protocols use these ports to communicate with other services and resources on the network.

1) Blues Port Scanner - This program will scan the IP address that you chose and identify open ports that are on the target box.

Example 1:
Idlescan using Zombie <Domain Name> (; Class: Incremental
Interesting ports on
(The 65522 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open sunrpc
135/tcp open loc-srv
443/tcp open https 1027/tcp open IIS
1030/tcp open iad1
2306/tcp open unknown
5631/tcp open pcanywheredata
7937/tcp open unknown
7938/tcp open unknown
36890/tcp open unknown

In example 1 now we see that there are a variety of ports open on this box. Take note of all the ports that you see listed before you. Most of them will be paired up with the type of protocol that uses that port (IE. 80-HTTP 25-SMTP Etc Etc...) Simply take all that information and paste it into notepad or the editor of your choice. This is the beginning of your targets record. So now we know what ports are open. These are all theoretical points of entry where we could wiggle into the computer system. But we all know its not that easy. Alright so we dont even know what type of software or what operating system that this system is running.

2) NMAP - Port Scanner - Has unique OS fingerprinting methods so when the program sees a certain series of ports open it uses its best judgement to guess what operating system its running. Generally correct with my experiences.

So we have to figure out what type of software this box is running if we are gonna start hacking the thing right? Many of you have used TELNET for your MUDS and MOOS and weird multiplayer text dungeons and many of you havent even heard of it before period. TELNET is used to open a remote connection to an IP Address through a Port. So what that means is we are accessing their computer from across the internet, all we need is their IP Address and a port number. With that record you are starting to compile, open a TELNET connection to the IP Address and enter one of the OPEN ports that you found on the target.
So say we typed 'TELNET -o 25' This command will open up a connection through port 25 to the IP Now you may see some text at the very top of the screen. You may think, well what the hell, how is that little string of text going to help me. Well get that list you are starting to write, and copy the banners into your compilation of the information youve gathered on your target. Banners/Headers are what you get when you TELNET to the open ports. Heres an example of a banner from port 25.

220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:22:29 -0400

Now this is a very important part in the enumeration process. You notice it says 'Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8' Well what do ya know, we now have discovered a version number. This is where we can start identifying the programs running on the machine. There are some instances in which companies will try and falsify their headers/banners so hackers are unable to find out what programs are truly installed. Now just copy all the banners from all the open ports *Some Ports May Have No Bannners* and organize them in the little record we have of the target. Now we have all the open ports, and a list of the programs running and their version numbers. This is some of the most sensitive information you can come across in the networking world. Other points of interest may be the DNS server, that contains lots of information and if you are able to manipulate it than you can pretend to hotmail, and steal a bunch of peoples email. Well now back to the task at handu. Apart from actual company secrets and secret configurations of the network hardware, you got some good juicy info. is a very good resource for looking up software vulnerabilities. If you cant find any vulnerabilities there, search on google. There are many, many, many other sites that post vulnerabilities that their groups find and their affiliates.

At SecurityFocus you can search through vendor and whatnot to try and find your peice of software, or you can use the search box. When i searched SecurityFocus i found a paper on how Sendmail 8.12.8 had a buffer overflow. There was proof of concept code where they wrote the shellcode and everything, so if you ran the code with the right syntax, a command prompt would just spawn. You should notice a (#) on the line where your code is being typed. That pound symbol means that the command prompt window thats currently open was opened as root. The highest privilage on a UNIX/Linux Box. You have just successfully hacked a box. Now that you have a command shell in front of you, you can start doing whatever you want, delete everything if you want to be a fucking jerk, however I dont recommend that. Maybe leave a text file saying how you did it and that they should patch their system.....whoever they are. And many times the best thing you can do is just lay in the shadows, dont let anyone know what you did. More often than not this is the path you are going to want to take to avoid unwanted visits by the authorities.

There are many types of exploits out there, some are Denial of Service exploits, where you shut down a box, or render an application/process unusable. Called denial of service simply because you are denying a service on someones box to everyone trying to access it. Buffer Overflow exploits are involved when a variable inside some code doesnt have any input validation. Each letter you enter in for the string variable will be 1 byte long. Now where the variables are located at when they are in use by a program is called the buffer. Now what do you think overflowing the buffer means. We overflow the buffer so we can get to a totally different memory address. Then people write whats called shellcode in hex. This shellcode is what returns that command prompt when you run the exploit. That wasnt the best description of a buffer overflow, however all you need to remember is that garbage data fills up the data registers so then the buffer overflows and allows for remote execution of almost every command available. There are many, many other types of attacks that cannot all be described here, like man-in-the-middle attacks where you spoof who you are. Performed correctly, the victim will enter and his connection will be redirected to your site where you can make a username and password box, make the site look legit. And your poor mark will enter their credentials into your site, when they think its really You need to have a small script set up so it will automatiically display like an error or something once they try and log in with their credentials. This makes it seem like the site is down and the victim doenst give it a second thought and will simply try again later.
__________________________________________________ _______o_________

So as a summary of how to 0Wn a box when you only have an IP Address
Method Works On BOTH *Nix and Windoze

****You can do the same with domain names (IE than what you can with IP Addresses. Run a WHOIS Lookup or something along those lines. Or check up on InterNIC you should be able to resolve the domain name to an IP address.****

- Port Scan The Address And Record Open Ports
- Telnet To Open Ports To Identify Software Running On Ports

3) netcat - Network swiss army knife. Like TELNET only better and with a lot more functionality. Both can be used when you are trying to fingerprint software on open ports

- Record Banners And Take Note Of The Application Running and The Version Number
- Take A Gander Online At or If you cant find any vulnerabilities then search google.
- Make a copy of some Proof-Of-Concept code for the vulnerability.

*Read the documentation if there is any, for the proof-of-concept code you will be using for your exploit*

- Run The Exploit Against The Victim.
- Reap The Cheap-Sh0t Ownage

duminică, 26 mai 2013

SMS Bomber

Acest SMS bomber este doar pentru cartelele cosmote.

duminică, 19 mai 2013

Omegle Spreader [4 Seth :) ]


Youtube Booster

Cu acest program va puteti creste numarul de vizualizari pe youtube.

Jays Booter and Anonymous Dos

Jays booter un DDoser cu shell-uri .
Anonymous pentru atacuri DoS

Jsky - Vulnerability Scanner

Jsky este un scanner de vulnerabilitati ale unor website-uri ,acest scanner este avansat mult mai avansat ca acunetix.
Este usor de folosit , explica fiecare vulnerabilitate in parte si cum sa o protejati.

Pangolin - Amazing Sql injecion

Acest program este pentru SQL injection.
O metoda de exploatare a unor vulnerabilitati.

Driver Genius [CrackeD]

Un soft care detecteaza driverele necesare ale pc-ului.
Le descarca si le instaleaza singur ,este foarte eficient.

vineri, 17 mai 2013

Complete Anonymity Guide! [Windows] Φ Be Invisible Φ

Alpha's Anti-Forensics Guide

Anti-Forensics is the art of leaving no trace on your computer, it is combating common forensic tools in preventing any penetration for forensic tests on your computer. It can pretty much be summed up with one famous quote:

"Make it hard for them to find you, and impossible for them to prove they've found you."

Because Linux installations are pretty much already secured, this guide will only focus on Windows. Windows is a security nightmare, but what if I were to tell you there was a way around this, a way to make Windows secure? VPNs, proxies, and Tor only get you so far, but what do you do when they've traced it to your computer? This guide is designed to help you prevent them from proving you've done anything wrong even if they have your computer.

With that being said, let's get started.

Disabling Time Stamps 
Using Time Stamps, forensic experts can build a 'digital time-line', this can be very compelling evidence when cross-referenced with other known evidence. In order to strengthen security, we must disable these logs. 

Step 1.) User Assist File 

There is a registry setting that keeps logs and dates of all launch programs, forensic experts can use this to build a digital timeline, we must disable this for computer security. 

Navigate to 'HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentvers ion\Explorer\Userassist' . You should see two subkeys called Count, delete both these keys. Now right-click the UserAssist key and create a new key named 'Settings'. In this key create DWORD value named NoLog, set the value to 1. 

Windows will no longer store hidden logs of the exact times you have been accesing files, therefore forensics experts can no longer use these hidden logs to create a digital timeline. 

Step 2.) Last Access Logs 

Next we will disable the last access in Windows. What last access is is a setting on Windows that allows you to see when you opened, modified, and/or created files on your computer and is similar to the UserAssist registry key. By disabling this forensic experts won't as easily be able to tell when you've been accessing programs or files on your computer. 

To disable last access open command prompt on your computer, if on Vista or Windows 7 make sure to run as administrator. In command prompt type the following: 

fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1 

Last access has now been disabled, in order for it to take effect you must restart your computer. 

Encrypting Your Computer 
It is very important to make sure that your computer is encrypted, in the case an unwanted visitor is trying to access your computer, they will not be able to access to computer if it is encrypted. 

Step 1.) TrueCrypt 

To encrypt your computer, you can use TrueCrypt, a free program that allow you to encrypt your computer. When encrypting with TrueCrypt, you have two options; the first one is to create a hidden container. A hidden container is an operating system that is impossible prove exists. 

When creating a hidden container you will have three different passwords: 
1. The First would be for your decoy system, the operating system you would show someone forcing you to login your computer. 
2. The second password would be for your outer volume, the operating system you would show someone forcing you to login to the second partition on your computer (a second partition is require computer for your hidden container is. 
3. Third password is for the hidden operating system on the second partition of your computer, this operating system is placed in the inner volume, and is impossible to prove exists (It appears to be RAW data). 
The second option is to just encrypt your hard-drive. This is also very secure, but you may be forced to give up your password due to court-order (In this situation, if you are a VERY good lier, you could simply say 'I forgot', but you would have to make it believable.) With normal drive encryption, your computer is just as secure encryption wise, and you will have a single password. 

Download here!

Step 2.) Encrypt Your Keystrokes 

You need to protect yourself from keyloggers. As strange as it may sound even the government has keyloggers, a few years ago the law speculation about CIPAV, a government spyware known to send the users IP address, Mac address, open ports, operating system, installed applications, default web browser, visited URLs, logged in user, etc... 

In order to protect yourself from keyloggers, you should encrypt your keystrokes. You can do this using a software called 'Keyscrambler'. Please note, you should NOT use the free version of Keyscrambler, you should only use the Premium version, which costs a decent some of money. (-Cough- -Cough-). 

Keyscrambler Premium supports 170 programs, including windows logon, most web browsers, and popular IM programs (i.e. Skype). 

Making Encryption Secure 
Encryption is pointless if it can be easily bypassed or overcome. You need to make sure that the encryption is secure too.

Step 1.) Make Sure Your Password Is Strong 

Even with your computer encrypted, it is still vulnerable. Make sure your password is good (for optimal security, your password should be twenty or more characters, with symbols, numbers, and random capitals, and a special symbol (like ALT+1456) really increase security). 

If you password is not strong enough, you can change it by right clicking your encrypted drive in TrueCrypt and selecting 'Change Password'. 

Step 2.) Create A Locked Screen Saver 

Encryption is pointless if the feds get to your computer while its running. They can use live forensic tools that don't require the movement or shutdown of a computer. A very simple technique to overcome this is to create a locked screen saver. 

To create a locked screen saver in Windows Vista or Windows 7; 

Right click your desktop and click on 'Personalize'. In the bottom left hand corner you should see 'Screen Saver', click that. Now, check 'On Resume, Display Logon Screen', and set 'Wait' to 5. Now, underneath that you may set what you want your screen saver to be. 

Now you must go to your Control Panel. Click on System and Securtiy, now click on 'Power Options' find your selected plan and click 'Change plan settings.' Now, set 'Turn Of Display' to 5 minutes. Voila! You have now created a locked screen saver. 

Step 3.) Get A Good Anti-Virus 

This may seem obvious, but all this is pointless if you get infected with a keylogger that takes screen shots. Having a good anti-virus is one of the most important things you can do. Now, listen up. AVG, Avast, McCafe, Norton? They all SUCK. The only Anti-Virus you should even consider are ESET Nod32 and Kaspersky, BitDefender is also pretty good. 
These anti-virus programs are expensive, but you can torrent them from, just make sure you find one with a lot of seeders. 

Disabling Windows Hibernation 
You may as well hand your computer over to the feds if they raid your house and your computer is in hibernation. Also, putting your computer into hibernation is pretty much just taking a screen shot of your RAM that gets saved to your hard drive. 

To disable hibernation in Windows Vista/7: 

Open your Control Panel. Click System and Security, then click 'Power Options'. Click 'Change plan settings' for you current power plan. 

Now click 'Change advanced power settings'. Expand 'Sleep', then expand 'Hibernate After'. Enter “0" for 'Setting:' to set hibernate to 'Never'. 

Hibernation is now disabled.

Disable and Remove USB Logs 
Next on the list of Anti-Forensics in to disable logs of USB activity, flash drives, etc... This can be valuable if you have a flash drive with sensitive data and you don't want any logs of it ever being plugged it to your computer. 

Step 1.) Delete the USBSTOR Registry Setting 

The USBSTOR setting contains history of plugged in USB devices. 

To delete it, hit the WINDOWS Home Button + R at the same time. This will open up 'Run'; type: "Regedit" (without quotes). Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR 

Now, right click 'USBSTOR' and hit 'Delete', then confirm that you want to delete the key. Now, the key has been deleted. 

Step 2.) Delete The Setupapi.log File 

The Setuppapi.log is a plain-text file that stores the list of installed USB devices and their drivers. We will delete it with a program called CCleaner. 

CCleaner is actually one of the best anti-forensic tools out there, and its free. For Instructions on using CCleaner, Please see the 'CCleaner' section of this guide. 

Windows Security Misc. 
This is for the shit that has to do with windows anti-forensic security, but wasn't big enough to have its own section. That does NOT mean this section isn't important, the stuff in here may actually be the most important in the whole guide. 

Step 1) Disable System Restore Points 

System Restore points can be used to bring your computer back to a date when it wasn't secure and can also be used to restore overwritten files. 

To disable System Restore points, right click 'Computer' and click 'Properties'. Now click 'Advanced System Settings'. Under 'System Protection' click 'Configure'. 

Now, select 'Turn Of System Protection' and apply it. 

Step 2) Disable 'Send Error Report to Microsoft 

This is self-explanitory, we obviously don't want microsoft having logs of all our crashed programs. 

To do this, go to your start menu and search 'problem reporting settings' and then click on 'Choose How To Report Problems'. Click 'Change Report Settings For All Users' and then set it to 'Never check for solutions'. 

Step 3) Wipe With CCleaner 

This is the heart of Anti-Forensics right here. CCleaner is actually one of the most powerful Anti-Forensic tools, -IF- used correctly. 

As it turns out, when deleting files, you DO NOT need to do multiple overwrites. With modern hard-drives, one overwrite really is enough to delete a file beyond repair, even though it is popular belief that you need several overwrites to be secure. 

With CCleaner, I would recommend three overwrites, just in-case it misses something the first time around (remember, it is a free software). 

Once you have CCleaner installed, run it (AS ADMIN), go to 'Settings' and make sure you have it set to overwrite deleted data with three passes. 

Go back to 'Cleaner' and check EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING, and hit 'Run Cleaner'. You might want to leave this on overnight. 

Do this everytime you are done with a major hacking job. When using normally (what should be every time you are done with your computer), uncheck 'Wipe Free Space', this will cut down the time from hours to a few minutes. 

Step 4) Disable Debugging Upon Failure 

This keeps logs of your computers failures and blue screen info. 

To disable it, right click 'Computer' and go to 'Advanced System Settings', now go to 'Start Up and Recovery'. Now, set 'Debugging Information' to 'None'. 

Step 5) Disable Windows Event Logging 

Windows keeps logs of all events on the computer. First, before we disable, we must clear all the logs. 

To disable it, go to Control Panel then System and Security. Now, click Administrative Tools, and then Event Viewer. In either pane of the Event Viewer window, right-click System and then select Clear All Events, you will get a window that says: "Do you want to save 'System' before clearing it?", click 'No'. 

Now we must disable Windows Event Logging. Go to 'Run' and type in 'msconfig', then go to 'Services' and make sure 'Hide all Microsoft Services' is UNCHECKED. Now scroll down until you find 'Windows Event Logging', and UNCHECK it. 

Now restart your computer right away. 

Step 6) Disable Stand By In Registry 

Disable 'Stand By'. Just create a new text document and add this: 

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\ACPI\Parameters] "AMLIMaxCTObjs"=hex:04,00,00,00 "Attributes"=dword:0070 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\ACPI\Parameters\WakeUp] "FixedEventMask"=hex:20,05 "FixedEventStatus"=hex:00,84 "GenericEventMask"=hex:18,50,00,10 "GenericEventStatus"=hex:10,00,ff,00
Then save as a .REG file, and run it. Click okay when prompted for confirmation.

Preventing being found in the first place: 
You should never be tracked in the first place. Follow these guide lines to stay anonymous:

1.) Use a no log VPN, such as nVPN, KryptoVPN, or BlackShades VPN. Offshore is better than onshore. 
2.) Use Tor for web browsing you wouldn't want the FBI, or your ISP looking at. 
3.) Never release personal information online and use different aliases. Never connect ANY real information to your hacking alias. Build fake information if you are paranoid. 
4.) Assume the FBI has the I.P logs of every website in the world. 
5.) Use SSH tunneling to an offshore shell on top of your VPN for extra security. 
6.) Don't get lazy, and be patient. 


NEVER have personal information linking to your social media. (Facebook, Twitter etc)
Always use SSL browsing to view websites, there are addons for firefox and chrome that you can use.
NEVER discuss what you have done or are planning over email, always use encrypted chat services. 
Ideally, there should be nothing incriminating in your home, or at least too incriminating. 
Don't use credit cards in areas you have stolen Wi-Fi from, security cameras are a bitch.
When Socially engineering items, get them sent to a nearby empty house. No point getting caught for that hello kitty teapot you've been dying for.


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Fiecare fisier downloadat trebuie scanat inaintea utilizarii !!
Noi nu se asumam nici un fel de responsabilitate pentru descarcarile dvs.


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