sâmbătă, 30 decembrie 2017

Cracking/Leeching/Scraping Pack

Cracking Tools
  1. SNIPR v2.2.5
  2. Account Reaper
  3. Sentry MBA 1.4.1 + Some configs
  4. Paypal By The N3rOx-Cracking.org
  5. HyperCracker 1.6.0

Scrapers n' Leechers
  1. Kidux Leecher v1.0.1
  2. ProxyFire Master Suite Free 1.24
  3. ProxyFlame PRO v1.0.1
  4. Universal Proxy Software
  5. ZapreScraper
  6. SLAYER Leecher v3

Combolists / Proxies
  1. 200K Combolist
  2. 240K Combolist
  3. 52K Proxies Via SNIPR [ UNCHECKED ]

v2.0.0 Changelog  - https://ghostbin.com/paste/qdcd7

Another quick think I would like to mention is if your using Account Reaper check the combolist for EMAIL PASSWORD or USERNAME PASSWORD etc to match what kind of modules your using. By the way I wont be updating this regularly unless its for safety reasons or I stumble across something BIG related to this topic. For safety concerns, since its MEGA ill be making a 7z archive within an RAR archive both with the password "Drako123". Ill link winrar and 7zip by the download link(s). Thats all for me, hope you enjoy this!

Essentials For Archive Extraction
Winrar - https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
7zip - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Pack Download(s)
Small Cracking Pack by Drako v1.0.0 - https://mega.nz/#!YyQXASTa!wUAlmIW2UKw2U...byIccMu16g
Small Cracking Pack by Drako v2.0.0 - https://mega.nz/#!o7YEVSpI!0RVIXyJcJH-Oq...3BNXXiMNsA

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